
GO! Ina Junior High School Table Tennis Club

I’d like to introduce Go! Ina Junior High School Table Tennis Club. This manga is in the comedies genre and omnibus type. It is a work by Minoru Furuya. It started in 1993 and ended in 1996. It’s a really funny and crazy story. 

I’ll introduce my favorite two stories. The first is sending Tanaka. He wanted new stimulation because he was having a boring daily life. Thus he began to want to live in someone else’s home, so

he asked his friends to send his to another family. It’s amazing how he gets used to it.

The second is a game about who can find the most interesting face. They are seriously looking for an interesting face, so everyone is impacted and the situations make me laugh. 

This manga is both liked and disliked by some reader because the pictures are unique. In addition obscene words appear many times in this manga. However reading this manga when you're depressed will make you feel better. Please check it out.



Today I'd like to introduce Spy Family. This manga was serialized in 2019, and it's a relatively new manga. Spy Family is written by Tatusya Endo. It is still serialized and a new series of  animations will be released in 2022.

There are three important characters in this manga. The first is Lloyd Forger who is main character. He is a very famous spy and has been tasked with creating a family on a mission. However his families are truly unique. The second is his child is Anya who was an orphan. He really liked her and took custody of her, but she actually had a secret ability. It is a supernatural ability to read the human mind.

The third is Yoru who plays the role of wife. She married him to the form a fake marriage. She also has a secret as she is actually a professional killer. Lloyd Forger also hides from  everyone and no one knows each other's true identify. 

My favorite scene is the daily life of their family. Only Anya knows about the real profession of Lloyd and Yoru, but their secrets are hidden from each other. Although they keep it a secret, sometimes Anya says " hitman" and "spy" in daily life. Their reaction at that time is interesting.

I would like you to pay attention to the appearance of this camouflaged family, but gradually becoming familiar with them. 


Moriarty the Patriot

I recommend this manga to those who like villains.  The reason is that the theme is 
for bad guys to beat evil. It is based on Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series, and the story from the perspective of Moriarty. He is Holmes's old enemy.  The Moriarty the Patriot approach and the unprecedented "philosophy of evil" of "changing the world with crime" fascinated readers and quickly became a hit.

The setting of this manga is England at the end of the 19th century. In the prosperous British Empire during the Industrial Revolution, discrimination based on the long-established "perfect class system" was strong. It is the upper class, or aristocrats who have privileges and control the country.  Most bottom people are exhausted by the absolute system of their life and the intense discrimination. The main character is Moriarty who was originally an orphan of the lower class. However he is promoted to upper class by using his wisdom and knowledge.

My recommended character is Irene Adler. This woman is very smart and beautiful. She uses her beauty and her wisdom to hunt down her opponent in various ways. She is a very strong woman, so I got attracted to her.


Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer is a manga that is making a big break in the world these days. It is popular with both adults and children, and I think most people know this comic

Demon Slayer is a battle manga. This manga has become a hot topic because the animation is very beautiful, so I want to watch it as well. It started in 2016 and ended in 2020 as a manga. There are 22 volumes of manga, so I think it's easy to read compared other manga. 

The setting of this manga is the Taiso Era. The Main character is Tanjiro Kamado, and the story begins when his familiy who was killed by a demon. The only one who survived was his sister, but she became a demon. Tanjiro fights against the demons to find a way to help his sister. 

There are a lot of characters, but I'd like introduce one of my favorites. This
character is Sanemi Shinazugawa. He is a very strong demon slayer and a little
crazy. His personality is tough but he is also kind. For example, his family was killed by a demon, but he is always thinking of his family and always works hard as a demon slayer. I admire his compassion.

This manga will release a new series of  animations in December, so I looking forward to watching it.



I will introduce one of my favorite manga Slam Dunk. This manga is in the sports genre. It is a work by Takehiko Inoue on the theme of basketball. It started in1990 and ended in 1996 and it's still popular in the world. Slam Dunk is also extremely popular overseas, and the manga has been translated into English, Chinese, Spanish and Korean.

The setting of this manga is Shouhoku High School in Kanagawa. The story begins with a high school boy named Hanamichi Sakuragi who is the main character. He joins the basketball club after being recommended by Haruko Akagi, Hanamichi fell in love at first sight. He is a beginner at basketball, but he's a hard worker. It is a story of growing up to be a good basket player and aim for the national championship with teammates of the basketball club.

There are so many interesting characters in this manga, but I'll introduce my
favorite two characters. The first one is Shinichi Maki who is the captain at Kainandai University High School. He is very cool when playing basketball and I especially love his personality. The second character is Ayako who is the team manager in Shouhoku High School. She teaches Sakuragi the basketball rules and how to play, and she supports the team members. She is so upbeat and caring about her teammates. 

The movie will be released in 2022, so please take this opportunity to read it.

GO! Ina Junior High School Table Tennis Club

I’d like to introduce Go! Ina Junior High School Table Tennis Club. This manga is in the  comedies genre and omnibus type. It is a work by M...